Hansel and Gretel糖果屋
Long ago there lived a little brother and sister whose names were Hansel and Gretel.
They lived with their father and stepmother in a tiny cottage at the edge of a forest.
Hansel and Gretel's father was a woodcutter. He used to chop trees in the forest.
He didn't earn very much money from his work, so the family had very little to eat.
Hansel and Gretel's stepmother did not like the children,
she thought they ate too much and that caring for them was too much work.
One night, she complained to Hansel and Gretel's father,
“I am fed up with your children, you need to leave them in the woods.”
“I can't do that!They are my children!”.
“Of course you can! I'll show you how! Tomorrow at dawn, we'll take them into the forest and leave them there!”
“你当然可以!我来教你怎么做! 明天黎明,我们就把他们带到森林里,把他们留在那里!”
Hansel was still awake and he heard everything his stepmother had said.
Later that night, Hansel snuck out of the house and picked up some shiny white pebbles that were sparkling in the dark.
At dawn the next day, Hansel and Gretel's stepmother called out to them.
“Your father and I are going to the forest to chop wood.”
“You children are coming with us, here's a loaf of bread in case you get hungry.”
As they walked into the forest, Hansel secretly dropped the pebbles he had to mark the path.
When they arrived deep in the heart of the forest, the children's father and stepmother split off to chop some wood.
“We are going to chop wood. You two must wait here till we return.”
“Yes, mother!”
The kids spent the whole day alone in the forest,
as night approached, Hansel and Gretel's father and stepmother had not returned.
“I'm starting to get really scared, when are mother and father going to come back to take us home?”
“I don't think they're coming back, Gretel, but you don't have to worry, I'll get us home.”
The pebbles Hansel had dropped on the ground were sparkling in the dark,
and the kids were able to follow them all the way back to their house.
Their father was delighted to see them. “Hansel and Gretel! Thank goodness you are safe! I am sorry! I'll never leave you alone again.”
Hansel and Gretel's father went to the town to repair his axe,
and Hansel and Gretel were left alone in the house with their stepmother.
“Hmm! Now that their father is far away, this is the perfect time for me to get rid of those brats.”
The evil stepmother ordered the children out of the house.
“Come on, you, we are going to have a picnic in the forest.”
“A picnic Now?”? Hansel didn't trust his stepmother, he secretly snatched a loaf of bread and hid it away.
As they walked into the forest, Hansel dropped breadcrumbs on the ground behind him.
Once they were deep inside the forest,
their stepmother looked at them harshly and said, “You two wait here! I'll come back in a little while.”
The children waited, but their stepmother didn't come back.
It grew dark and Gretel again started to feel very afraid.
“Hansel, let's go home. I'm scared”,
“We need to wait until morning, Gretel, I left a trail of breadcrumbs but we won't be able to see them until morning when it's brighter.
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