《我只在乎你》是rita由邓丽君歌曲《我只在乎你》改编翻唱的英语歌曲,由belinda foo作曲。
oh how i in your hand
see the loving until night falls
build a magic in a touch
when may i just love you so much
you can see me as you see
all the ways the love can be
giving my heart to you
show the love you see as usual
you kown my heart and how i feel in every way
i have aways try to be the best again(best again)
there are chances there,you find me for the harmony
trying hard to find a way to make it right
so i'm there,would you please don't ever go away
as i can leave the day without ever you leave me
only there would be hard times
until we can see the light
hold my hand and hold me tight
standing believe love me is right
it's not a easy road
each of us will have alone why didn't we share it now
you couldn't have to live so hard
you kown my heart and how i feel in every way
i have aways try to be the best again(best again)
there are chances there,you find me for the harmony
trying hard to find a way to make it right
so i'm there,would you please don't ever go away
as i can leave the day without ever you leave me
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